Happiness for Beginners

Luke Grimes and Ellie Kemper in Happiness for Beginners (2023)


Netflix's original films tend to verge into Hallmark movie territory and Happiness for Beginners is a shining example of that. It has recognizable, good talent, with a solid premise, yet takes the easy road in simplifying the feelings it wants to invoke.

There is a lot to like about the movie. I liked the overall sentimentality of these group of strangers having to shed their individuality to conquer this challenging hike, but when things could go deeper, especially between the leads of Ellie Kemper and Luke Grimes, the film starts to distance itself from the material. It wants to take its scenarios seriously, but there are bouts of injuries and handicaps that come across as cheesy and convenient.

That said, I enjoyed its laid back approach and really enjoyed the cinematography as this group hikes amongst the trees of the Connecticut's Appalachian Trail. There are moments of sincerity and humor, mainly brought on by an amazing, supporting performance from Ben Cook who plays the young, constantly annoyed, guide. But like most novel-to-film adaptations, you can tell there is a certain depth that is missing. My wife read the book and she was able to fill me in a lot of plot points that made the characters's decisions make a lot more sense. Happiness for Beginners is a safe and comforting movie, but it could have been so much more.


Rye Lane


Palm Springs